4310-E Old Shell Road
Mobile,Alabama 36608
(Across from Springhill College)
Do You Have Your Doctor's Cell Phone Number?
  • Picking Up the Phone is What We Call Telemedicine

    Posted on February 10, 2015

    One of the themes in the world of heath care these days is how telemedicine is reshaping primary health care.

    What is telemedicine? Its the use of technology to diagnose and treat patients through the use of the telephone, email, texting, and smart-phone apps.

    The benefits from telemedicine are great. Savings come from less waiting time in a doctor’s office to having the ability to continually monitor patient symptoms through a smart-phone so that issues can be diagnosed quickly.

    We are always looking for new technologies that can be applied for use here at Access MD. We also listen to our patients to find out what would make our practice more effective for their healthcare needs.

    But having said that, we have been practicing telemedicine since we opened the practice. This concept is not new to us. Our telemedicine procedures are quite simple – patients pick up the phone and call us, and if they need an appointment, we make one. It’s that simple.

    As new technologies become available, we will add those technologies to what we do here at Access MD. In the meantime though, we will focus on what we have been focusing on, and that is keeping a small patient base and using the old-fashion phone to communicate when appropriate.